Sunday, 13 December 2009

lyrics and poems are honest expressions concealed behind hyperbolic words

actually, that's exactly what they'd like to say...

a song dedicated to a pal :)

there's a field to where I runaway
Every time I feel lone and sole

I used to think there’s my la la land
Where I can do every expression

I plant my flowers there
Bury my sadness there
There’s always be enough space for me

There’s a merry which I use to seek
From where for years I can find it

There’s a laughter that I can’t let go
Nowhere creates one same as it

I plant my flowers there
Bury my sadness there
Though it remains empty and abandoned

I know I can’t have you forever
But if you go I’d be bewildered
There will be the landowner to whom you belong
The one who’ll farm you and plant the trees on you

I know I can’t have you forever
But if you go I’d be bewildered
The only hope that I'd be granted
To have time with my field in where I left my memories...

Saturday, 12 December 2009


aku berjalan menyusuri kebutaan hati
kerikil tajam memasuki
menari menusuki nurani

tapi tampaknya sang mentari masih ingin berbuai bercinta dengan rembulan
tak ingin beranjak melihat sayat-sayat pedih di bumi
dan aku lebamkan mata dengan ayat-ayat pengetahuan yang terus buat dahaga
hitam tak terlihat lagi apa yang gerayangiku

aku berjalan menginjaki
sejuta keadilan
mulut yang lapar memohoni setitik pengasihan
kita berjalan menginjaki
sejuta keadilan
dengan mata terpejam...